The idea of starting a blog has been playing in my mind for a week now, so yeah here i am(; i have been writing poems but thats that i guess? well for starters, I have been asking myself a question, if i were to start a blog.. what should i write about? then i realized that i don't need a specific topic.. i can write on anything random..
so they say pictures are worth a thousand words, unfortunately i don't own a camera. so ill just write or speak my mind here.
I was inspired to write after this ever eccentric but cool guy( he looks somewhat like wolverine with a mixture of sherlock holmes) gave a speech in a conference on the importance of us writing as when we write we challenge ourselves to think deeper.. and he also added that we should do something that we would normally say no to.. my sister started her blog ages ago and she did in the past, bugged me on starting my own... but i never did... i guessed it took me to really be inspired to want to write.
welcome to the bloggers club!!!
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